
Krishna Leela Theme Park

Amazing Srimad-Bhagavatam Laser Show enthrals audience at Krishna World International. Various pastimes of Lord Krishna and His devotees will be manifested in laser rays. This fascinating laser performance is first in its kind. .

Holy name rock band stadium

Holy name rock band stadium is designed for 50,000 people session. This show is in the late evening hours.One hour show a day throughout the year. Along with the transcendental meaning of rock bands, there will be displays of enormous robotic appearance of the historical and puranic devotee heroes. 33 avatars of Lord Krishna will be manifested on the stage. Audience of Krishna World International will be mesmerized by the Bands and shows. This amazing laser and robotic performance is first in its kind.

Krishna water park

Krishna spiritual amusement water park will have all wide varieties of water spot activities, complete in itself.